My Keyboard Has Magic Keys

A story from the Crafty Canine

My mother gave me a different kind of keyboard the other day. It wasn’t for writing stories – it had four magic keys.

She said if I pressed the keys while she was away, I wouldn’t feel so scared or lonely. I wasn’t sure about that, but I gave it a try.

The T key was for Treats. When I pressed it, the key lit up and then two biscuits jumped out of my treat box. Just like that. They didn’t break when they fell on the floor either.

But the key only worked a few times. After that, it just made a clicking sound when I pressed it. I guess my mother did that so I wouldn’t keep eating biscuits all day.

The B key was for Ball. When I pressed it, the key lit up and some tennis balls flew out of my toy basket and rolled onto the floor. I’m not kidding. No one had to be there to throw them.

The M key was for Mother. When I pressed it, I could hear my mother’s voice from somewhere. It was a little spooky because I couldn’t tell where she was. But I did hear her say ‘good dog’ and ‘I’ll be home soon.’ It made me feel better.

I wasn’t sure what the Paw key did. It was bigger than the other keys. I think my mother used it to turn the keyboard on and off. Maybe the key did some other magic things. But if I tried to press it, nothing happened. Not even a clicking sound.

Now when my mother leaves me alone I don’t feel so sorry for myself. I don’t sleep all the time. I have too much fun playing with the magic keys. Sometimes I can’t wait until she leaves.

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