Writing Stories Just for Dogs

There are lots of stories written about dogs. My mother has a whole stack of them.

I told her if she tried writing stories FOR dogs, I would give her some tips. I started with just a few.

Happy stories

First, dogs only like happy stories.

Like this:

We got in the car and went to the dog park. Someone was handing out free biscuits.

Or this:

The new dog food was stinky, meaty, and raw. And there was more of it.

Smelly stories

Write stories dogs like to smell.

Like a story about camping. Add the bottom of hiking boots, rotting leaves, and maybe a lizard or two. You could also add something about a cat.

Stories with some action

Dogs like stories with some action. Like chasing tennis balls, running after cars, or pouncing on a mouse.

Nothing about insects, shopping, or missing relatives.

Happy endings

The ending has to be happy too.

Something like ‘They lived happily ever after’ is too vague for a dog. It would be better to write ‘The lost puppies found homes.’

Finally, never write The End. Dogs will think you’re talking about their tail.

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