Mop and Puddle Fall in Love

Mop met Puddle in the Dog Library. Mop, a large and muscular dog, had been there many times before. But Puddle, petite and playful, was new to the library.

Mop started panting when he saw Puddle. She was cute and she looked confused, so he thought he’d show her around the library.

He first took Puddle to the biscuit vending machine. Every dog should know where that is.

Next to it were bowls of water for the dogs. Some were turned over, which made Puddle feel right at home.

The smell of water

Both dogs were drawn to the smell of water. Mop liked scents of soapy water and new sponges. It reminded him of his mother, whose name was Bucket.

Puddle liked the watery scents of mud and rain. Her friends called her Mud Puddle. Or Rain Puddle. Puppies called her Pee Puddle. Humans sometimes called her An Accident.

Despite their difference in scent preferences, they found each other sniffing the same story. It was called The Adventures of Aqua Paws. Their tails wagged together as they shared shy glances. Mop, being a more assertive dog, nudged Puddle with his nose. Puddle, a little cautious at first, licked one of Mop’s ears.

After that, Puddle stuck close to Mop. She liked it when he sponged up her damp spots. Mop was glad to do it. He was falling in love with Puddle. And she was falling in love with him.

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